Fame & Shame Awards 2021 coming soon.
Make sure that your pick makes the shortlist.
Fame & Shame Awards 2020
Australian parents have taken a stand and are demanding that unhealthy food manufacturers distance themselves from advertising to children as part of the Parent’s Voice Fame & Shame Awards.
Now in its 16th year, the annual awards highlight the worst of unhealthy food marketing and celebrate those promoting a healthier lifestyle to kids instead.

Winner: McDonald’s Australia – Family Time (Denise)
Pester Power awarded to the food marketing campaign that uses techniques which appeal to children, leading to them nagging their parents for unhealthy foods.

Winner: McDonald’s Australia – AFL Sponsorship
Foul Sport for a company, team or athlete who uses sport to promote unhealthy food and drinks to influence children.

Winner: Kellogg’s – LCMs ‘Mum and dad’s sure-fire lunchbox hit’
Smoke and Mirrors awarded for the use of misleading claims on children’s foods that make an unhealthy product appear healthier than it is.

Winner: KFC – $1 Slushie & Bucket. Why not? Campaign
Bother Boards is given to the brand which has used billboards or pop-up stands, indoors and outdoors, to influence children.

Winner: Krispy Kreme – Multitasker
Ad-demic is awarded to the brand which has used the COVID-19 pandemic to market unhealthy food and drink to children.

Winner: Perfection Fresh – Qukes
Parents’ Choice – Food congratulates a food advertisement that promotes healthy eating to children in a fun and appealing way.

Winner: VicHealth – This Girl Can
Parents’ Choice – Physical Activity is awarded to an advertisement that encourages children to get moving.
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