School’s Out – Parents expect more from new marketing policy
Parents’ Voice welcomes the acknowledgement by the Outdoor Media Association (OMA) that advertising unhealthy food and drink is contributing to Australian’s obesity epidemic, but wants
Please email any media requests to hello@parentsvoice.org.au.
Parents’ Voice welcomes the acknowledgement by the Outdoor Media Association (OMA) that advertising unhealthy food and drink is contributing to Australian’s obesity epidemic, but wants
Fame and Shame Awards: 9.45am – 10:45am on Monday 2 December 2019 VicHealth, 15-31 Pelham Street Carlton VIC 3053 Australian parents have given several unhealthy food
Parent advocacy group, Parents’ Voice today joined a coalition of health organisations and experts in calling for increased government action on obesity. The eight recommendations
Parent advocacy group Parents’ Voice welcomed the announcement by the federal Opposition that they would invest in obesity prevention by implementing a National Obesity Strategy.
The 19 leading health and community organisations behind Rethink Sugary Drink are calling on Coca Cola to put an end to its Christmas truck tour;
Fame and Shame Awards: 11.00am on Tuesday 4 December 2018 Sandro Demaio Foundation (Kløver Hub) 20 High Street Northcote VIC 3070 Nestlé, the world’s largest food
In a win for parents, after representations by advocacy group Parents’ Voice Heinz has agreed to rename their Golden Circle Junior Fruit Drinks, acknowledging that they
Parents today welcomed news that the ‘Milo loophole’ has closed. In a win for consumers, Australian and New Zealand Ministers agreed on 29 June to
A collaboration of health bodies, angered by the arrival of the Coke Christmas Truck on Australian shores, have joined forces in an open letter to